Saturday, April 21, 2007

V for Vendetta is the best movie ever.

I adore this movie. V for Vendetta, based on the eighties graphic novel written by Alan Moore and illustrated primarily by David Lloyd is a post apocalyptic dystopian view of London after a huge global war has ravaged the planet and given rise to a facist government.
The movie, while in this bloggers opinion is only a minor departure from the graphic novel, does not set well with Englishman Moore, as he believes that the film has twisted his premise to be a not-so-subtle reflection of the Bush administration.
Indeed it has, but it still works and serves it's purpose shockingly well. The parallels between this story and what is currently manifesting in this country will chill your blood and serve, through new the opiate of the masses known as entertainment, (or edutainment, if you prefer), to open the viewer's eyes to the creeping hand of facism all around them.
From the government engineering a crisis in order to enable a conservative leader, convinced he's doing God's work and with no regard for political process, to take control, to the various scenes of the populace being spied on, and to boot, a very Cheney-like VP named "Creedy", the horrifyingly clear picture of what this country could become is crystal clear.
Throw in a host of brilliant performances, including the ever stunningly beautiful Natalie portman as Evey Hammond, Hugo Weaving as the Fawlksian "V" behind the mask and the maniacally brilliant John Hurt as High Chancellor Adam Sutler and you've got ninety minutes of entertainment whose message may just keep you up at night after you see it.
But most assuredley you will find yourself, as this voracious and vocal veteran of the venal vein of volitile cinema does, quoting fondly in rememberance of Guy Fawlkes,.....
Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason the gunpowder treason,
should ever be forgot.
V for Vendetta is a must see.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Oh look! It's a media witch-hunt!

It's been a while,....

Been busy with work, so for the four or five of you who actually read this journal, I apologize, and I appreciate you checking back here from time to time.

I fully intend to be more active with this thing in the second quarter of this year we call 2007.


Imus, Imus, Imus,......cowboy hat-wearing, seven hundred year old Don Imus.

I am NOT a fan of Don Imus. I am a life-long Stern fan.

And being a Stern fan, I am well aware of Imus's horseshit over the years, but that being said,....

The recent firing of the low-level "shock jock" is complete bullshit.

In the same world where Limbaugh can call Obabma a "halfrican-American", where Hannity and Colmes can spew their hate-speech, where noted trans-sexual succubus Ann Coulter can call a Democratic presidential candidate a "faggot", do you mean to tell me that Imus, goofing off like a frat-boy and calling a few women on a basketball team "nappy headed ho's" is worth firing the guy?

Fire Imus cause he's not funny.

Fire Imus because his ratings are down.

Fire Imus because he is too Goddam old to still be in broadcasting but DON'T fire him by standing on some hypocritical moral high ground when scads of other broadcaters around him continue to say far more offensive things and MEAN it, to boot.

And, (here I go,...I'm gonna say it), why on God's green Earth is ANYONE subserviant to a hate-monger like Al Sharpton? Can you tell me that? Any time someone make anything close to what someone considers an "anti-black" statement, Al Sharpton and that mush-mouthed dipshit Jesse jackson come out of the woodwork calling for firings and retribution.

Let me remind those out there that may have short memories that this is the same Jesse Jackson that referred to New York as "Heimie, (Hymie?) town".

Yet despite his anti-semetic statement, he was allowed to apologize and it was waved away because allegedly he, "made that remark in private".

Oh! I SEE! It's okay to be a blathering racist in PRIVATE.

Horseshit. Complete and utter horseshit. I do not like Imus or his show but I know a sacrificial lamb when I see it. I don't know WHAT he's being sacrificed for,.....but I know it's a Witch-hunt.

The double standard continues!