Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Well welcome aboard, Mister late-to-the-party

So,... Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez stood before the United Nations today and called Ol' King George the Devil and here is the quote,...."The devil came here yesterday," (he said, referring to Mr Bush's speech on Tuesday), "It still smells of sulphur today."

And I'm thinking, as I quote Bruce Willis in Die Hard,... "WELCOME TO THE PARTY PAL!!!"

Yah Hugo, we pretty much knew that.

Maybe it was lying to the American Public about the war, maybe it's the illegal wire taps on home soil, or it could even be the fact that he keeps saying the law doesn't apply to him because he's, "A wartime president", or it could be the pesky little matter of trying to retro-actively absolve himself of prisoner torture as the shadow of the impending congressional mid-term elections looms near.

Or it could be the way he completely dances around The Geneva Convention by claiming the defenition of human rights that prevents torture of prisoners is "too vague"

It could be the fact that he's allowed big business to privatize every aspcet of the Government and business, or the way he allows the oil companies to manufacture an energy crisis and artificially inflate prices at the pump.

It could also be the secret prisons we know know they have, or little things like, "You're doin' a heck of a job, Brownie", while Katrina blew New Orleans away, or not giving the troops the proper equipment and bait and switching their tours of duty.

It could be no exit strategy, or it could be Darth Cheney, or Tom Delay, Donald Rumsfeld Condaleeza Rice and Karl Rove. Or his cowardly ignoring of Cindy Sheehan when she only has one simple question, ("what did my son die for?"), or it could be one of a thousand other things including actively trying to wipe out the American middle class as he advances some globalist Project-for-a-new-American-Century right-wing Neo-Conservative Christian fascist armageddon while he pisses on the Constitution.

Pick any of those and run with it.

If the administration is, indeed being run by the Devil, (and every other demon from Hell that is actively employed by it), then America is truly possessed.

And we all know what happens when you're possessed, need an exorcism.

Mid-term elections are coming inNovember and if there is a God in Heaven, or if the founding fathers can take a moment from rolling in their graves and exact some positive influence over this poor, sick country, then the Democrats will take the house, get subpoena power back and faster than you can say, "I CAST YOU OUT, UNCLEAN SPIRIT!", inquiry and impeachment proceedings will begin.

And maybe the country will shake and convulse, spit up pea soup, spin it's head around, levitate off the bed and finally give up the ghost.

And as the dust clears and the first rays of sunshine cut like a knife through the darkness of that bad night, the little midget lady from Poltergeist will climb up on a stack of phonebooks in front of the capitol building, delicately moving a lock of hair out of her face in a Southern lady-like fashion and demurely proclaim,...

"This house is clean."

Until then, I cross my fingers and pray to anyone who will listen.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh man....against my better judgement...(takes a deep breath) goes.

It's weird that it has become so chic to hate a sitting President. I am sure this type of thing can be traced back to long before I was born but for me it became obvious during the Clinton administration with Rush Limbaugh and his radio show. (I was subject to that show because it was on in the model shop where I worked - not by choice)

The litany of bullet points you listed are no different than what was expounded on during the 90's. Then it was Clinton who was "evil" and accused of being the "anti-Christ". Back then it was Clinton that was compared to Hitler. (By the way it seems that Hitler has become the litmus test for "Evil")

It's nothing new.

And that is what bothers me.

It bothers me that a leader such as Hugo Chavez can stand in front of the U.N. and say the things he said (I heard it all, live) and get laughs and applause from the room. A room full of leaders from all over the planet.

If this present adminstration is, in fact, guilty of crimes, I too hope it is exposed and the perps are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I know it's probably a futile hope that the potential probes and investigations will be fueled by partisianship rather than the quest for justice, but I'll hope for the latter anyway.

And imagine that, it turns out Clinton wasn't evil after all.

8:24 PM  
Blogger Fighting Irish said...

You're a Goodam pinko commie heathen, Scott! ;)

Hey,....I agree to an extent. That being said,...there has never been such a "hateable" administration since I was unleashed upon the world.

This administration has shown such a smug disregard for the general population, shocking incompetence as well as complete lack of concern when it's caught, (repeatedly) in a lie.

"It's against the law? Well we'll change the law"

I don't despise this administration because it's chic to despise them. I despise them because they're completely despicable.

No president is ever completely loved across the board but you have to admit, the level of disdain for this government, (and by default, US), across the board is unprecedented in recent history.

It's pretty bad when a DICTATOR, (Chavez, who's no prize himself), calls our leader a Devil,....and is backed up by the entire U.N.the European Union and generally the rest of the world.

If the Republicans can impeach Clinton for lying about getting a hummer, the Democrats should sure as Hell be able to impeach King George for lying about WMD's and illegal wire taps.

I just want a Government that is actually governed BY the people, FOR the people.

And I fear that's MY futile hope.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I want that same government too, bro. In fact, this country should demand it.

We are on the same page - no question.

5:38 AM  
Blogger Maikeli said...

You are right about the transgressions you lamentedly describe so powerfully and humorously.
You are also right that the current administration should be called on the carpet of public investigation and scorn.
But I feel no hope that the Democrats are going to set anything right.
They are still the party of no ideas. Most of them are a bunch of poll-following pussies, unable to lead the country in a new direction because they don't have the balls to define what they are and what they stand for.
It is the same impotence that brought down Kerry's bid to win the White House. When the anti-Bushians' best argument is "I'd vote for a ham sandwich over Bush," it shows us how lackluster the Dems have been.
As long as there is no clear direction being delineated, nothing is going to change. Reactionary politics is not a direction, it is a knee-jerk response that only has us fighting over the wheel of the ship of state, while this ship continues to drift towards ever more perilous waters.
The Democrats need to come up with a platform that is more than just, "Bush Sucks! Vote for ME!"
And Hugo Chavez?
Like THAT dictatorial mother-fucker has any moral highground!
Hey Hugo, what you're smelling is your own bullshit!
Hell in a handbasket either way, I'm sorry to say.

6:52 AM  
Blogger Fighting Irish said...

We are, indeed, on the same page, Scott my man.

We just present it differently sometimes.

But you're still a pinko-commie heathen! ;)

But a talented one.


Mikey, Mikey, Mikey,....MT are right as rain big brother.

Unfortunately,...spineless though they may be,...the Dems are the only other choice in town.

We've been force-fed Wendy's and they're the only Burger King on the political horizon.

We need another JFK.

9:27 AM  

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