Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Never been so horrified,..... a movie trailer as I am at this one.

They say the radical Muslims are bad?

We got it right here at home.

I have no pithy comments or witty reparte' to offer up regarding this. Simply watch for yourself and witness the impending future.

Jesus Christ.



Blogger Maikeli said...

I was just saying to a colleague yesterday - jokingly I should add, that what this country needs is a few honest-to-goodness, neo-christo-fascist WHACKLOONS to start strapping high explosives to themselves and give those Islamofascists a taste of their own fucked-up medicine.
Careful what you (jokingly) wish for!

6:56 AM  
Blogger Fighting Irish said...

Never should have opened your mouth there, big brother.

Why couldn't you have wished for the SDF-1 to drop out of the sky instead?

At least THEN we could've died in the cockpit of a Valkyrie in a blaze of glory and not sitting at Starbucks as the little Zealot-clown comes shuffling up and pulls the pin on their vest.



And STILL charged five bucks for coffee.

And THAT'S the real shame.

9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish you could have seen my face watching that trailer.........that is all.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Fighting Irish said...

It probably looks just like your Parrot icon.

I know mine did.

That's child abuse under the guise of Religion. That little girl with tears rolling down her cheeks at the end broke my heart. She doesn't even know why she's crying.

Those adults should be prosecuted and their mullets shaved off.

11:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


What a bunch of psychos.

Man the world is getting weird.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

That's it, I'm going home.
I'll hide in a hut in Moosejaw...who's with me? Elaine, I'm looking at you...

4:49 PM  

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