Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween everybody!


I have zero in the way of celebration going on this year, which for me, is a huge travesty.

Unfortunately work has once again gotten in the way of anything and to be truthful, I'm just not in the mood this year so I'm just gonna sit this one out.

On November first, however, I'm going to adopt a play from the Jack Skellington playbook and loudly proclaim, "Only 364 days left until NEXT Halloween", as I break out the glue gun and start working towards next October 31st.

So then, the best I can offer you is this very "Halloweenish" picture of my cat!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Rush continues to stink like a sack of shit in the heat of a Georgia summer

Here he is in a clip making fun of Michael J. Fox.


Bloated sack of crap.

And Fox responded in such a classy manner it makes me love him even more.
He said in a press conference that he undertood that it was hard for people without the disease to fathom what it's effects are and medication or no, he said, "You get what you get on any given day".

God bless you Michael J. Fox. In fact, you are no longer Michael J. Fox anymore,....I claim you are Saint McFly and the world adores you.

The backlash on Limbaugh is so fierce from both sides it's actually rocking his titanic ass back and forth like a buoy in a hurricaine and his back-handed apology is only making it worse.

So because of this,... I reverse my decision on what I said earlier about Rush talking about Fox.

Attack him, accuse him, apologize,...whatever, because the more you open your fat cigar-chomping mouth, issuing forth a waft of breath that smells like egg-salad strained through a gym sock, to accompany your poisoned words,....the worse it gets for you and your masters.

Gallumph on, great gallumpher!

And in honor of Rush,....a little ditty I whipped up just for him.

Ode to Rush!

(Sung to the opening theme from Gilligan's Island).

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a tubby shit.
That blustered on his morning show, devoid of class and wit.
He spun a lie about a man of kindness, poise and class.
The public soon got wind of it and handed him his ass.
His big chubby ass.

(Thunder sound effects)

The backlash started getting rough,
His supporters they did run.
Despite his lame apology,
The damage had been done.
The damge had been done.

Though Rush is slime, what's so sublime is the moral of this tale.

The more he speaks,...

The worse it gets.

For Repubicans,...

For their shills.

For Neo-cons!

So as mid-terms come round the bend,...Let's bring this crap to an end!

(Crazy 60's trumpet ending)!

Whaddaya want? I'm on lunchbreak! :)

Oh yeah,....Rush, again, go fuck yourself.

You are a pile of suck.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Dear God in Heaven I despise Rush Limbaugh

Not that I needed an extra reason to hate that fat bag of Hilbilly-Heroin-quaffing Republican propoganda spewing crap known by his faux-human name as Rush Limbaugh but today I think my disgust went right over the line into loathing,....nay, hatred.

One of my favorite actors in the world is Michael J. Fox. I love the guy. I just do.

He's a very classy, appealing and, dare I say it, All American lad, (even though he's from Canada), who first endeared himself to audiences as, (Oh irony of ironies), the stalwart young Republican Alex P. Keaton on Family Ties and solidified himself in the hearts of the eighties generation as Marty McFly in the Back to the Future trilogy.

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past ten years, you know that Fox is suffering from a debilitating bout of Parkinson's disease that has made his acting career, at best, sporadic.

Fox just did a campaign commercial for Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri supporting her stand on stem cell research and it's promise for treating such diseases as,...you guessed it, Parkinson's disease.

Her Republican opponent is, of course, against it.

So Fox does this heartfelt commercial, putting himself out ther in all his vaulnerability, gyrating and twisting in front of the camera as he attempts to read the copy, (and breaking my heart in the process), and who gets a hold of it, but Rush Limbaugh.

After seeing the commercial, he opined on his radio show today that Fox was,....wait for it,....

Faking it.

Yep. He was "exaggerating" his shaking. Because he's a Democratic shill, (says the GOP puppet).

I heard a clip of it on The Howard Stern Show today and damn near fell off my chair.

Y'know what?

I hope when Rush finally gets to Hell alongside the masters he serves he is treated to the smell of his own fat cooking like bacon as Beelzebub pokes him with his pitchfork to see if the little piggy is tender yet.

I know Freud says sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but we'll make an exception in your case, Rush.

Go fuck yourself.

Wanna see if Michael J. Fox is faking?

Judge for yourself.


I hope they find a cure in Fox's lifetime. I love that guy.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Halloween is my favorite holiday.

Bar none, hands down, no questions asked.

Maybe it calls to my Celtic blood,....speaking to the druid in me who held sacred Samhain rituals under a swollen harvest moon back in ancient Ireland.

Or perhaps my body and soul recognizes that I am a year older during this season.

But most of all, it's memory of a time most cherished.

A time when the nights are growing longer, chasing the daylight off another extra minute at a time each day as the brilliant sunsets adorn the sky like God's canvas.

It's the harvest time,....rife with cornstalks and pumpkins and little craft-store scarecrows on people's lawns that compliment the Thanksgiving decorations in the windows, along with perhaps a turkey traced from a child's hand-print as they worked feverishly in their pre-school art class.

The leaves have turned a brilliant yellow, orange and red and as the sun hits them in the crisp air of each afternoon, the seem as if on fire. A magic, dynamic fire that somehow doesn't consume the leaves, but compliments them as they spend their last days performing their technicolor ballet as the wind hustles them back and forth, whispering a bittersweet farewell to summer.

And when the leaves do fall, they provide a noisy carpet for children as they shuffle through the great piles of them, plastic jack-o-lanterns in hand as they hopefully scamper from door to door with the ever sweet promise of candy and treats driving them onward into the night.

The bright doorways of the houses seem to provide a momentary shield against the advancing chill and as the children's joyfull shrieks of glee and terror drift through the chilly October night you know that the most sacred and profane of holidays has come round yet again.

It is Halloween.

And in honnor of my forovite-est of favorite holidays, I would love to share some fun film faves to add a perfect cherry to your creepy holiday sundae!

These are the ones that stand out as the perfect blend of all things Halloween for even the most discerning of movie afficionados,.....by which I mean me. :)

Okay! Here goes!

First up,.....The Addams Family

Starring Raoul Julia, Anjelica Houston and Christopher Lloyd!
Elder brother Fester Addams returns from twenty plus missing years in the Bermuda Triangle and while the family is thrilled to see him, is it really uncle Fester?
The movie is fun, whimsical, brilliantly cast and completely entertaining. Don't make the mistake of looking for some deep, intiguing story here. It's cartoony and although you see the vaudeville-style jokes coming from a mile away, you still laugh. The movie's great fun.

Next up: Addams Family Values

One of the few instances in which the sequel is arguably better than the original. Gomez and Morticia give birth to a new baby! While baby Pubert is a welcome bundle to the rest of the family, Wednesday and Pugsley naturally begin to feel threatened.
After "acting out" in their own homicidal way, The Addams' decide to hire a nanny, a Black Widow killer in disguise with designs on Fester and played maniacally by Joan Cusak in one of her greatest screen roles to date.
While Cusak's character plots to relieve Fester of his family, his fortune and his life, she also succeeds in having Wednesday and Pugsley sent to "summer camp" where an amusing side story, spoofing over-privileged irritating children's camp and a class-war develops.

It also features one of the most brilliant pieces of non-verbal acting I've ever seen, wherein Wednesday, in an attempt to fool her idiot camp-mates struggles against every natural instinct she has as she tries to produce a vacant "happy child" smile.

Considering Ricci was only 13 at the time makes it especially brilliant. That little chick definately had a hold on something darker and that's why she's so brilliant as Wednesday.

Next up on the list,.....Hocus Pocus

Starring Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy.
This movie is stupid fun. Plain, un-apologetic and unadulterated, stupid fun.

The trio plays the fictional witches The Sanderson Sisters who return to wreak havoc on the little children of Salem on Halloween, after a virgin lights the black flame candle, summoning them back from the dead.

There's a talking black cat, who's really an immortal puritan boy in disguse, and who helps the kids vanquish the sisters in order to avenge his sister's death from way back in the 1700's.

There's a pre American Beauty Thora Birtch as the precocious little girl and even a cameo by Frank and Penny Marshall!

.....the exteriors were filmed almost entirely in Salem, Ma. and the surrounding areas so it's got that authentic New England Halloween look to it!
That means it's A-OK!

There's a lot of cute stuff in this and Bette Midler's fake buck teeth ALMOST accommodate the amount of scenery she chews. This one is definately worth a look!

Next up,....Casper

Yeah, I know, I know, but I stand by it. This live-action adaptation of the Harvey comic is surprisingly tender and poigniant in a lot of places.

Starring Christina Ricci, Bill Pullman and Eric idle. Ricci and Pullman play a father daughter team who are hired to "exercise" Whipstaff manor so the inheritors can plunder it for it's "hidden treasure". The sets are fantastic the score is haunting and the early computer animation is an example of how much the talented artists of the time could push the envelope with limited resources.

One of the most surprising turns in the film is where Casper relates to Ricci the story of how he died as a child,.....something that doesn't generally occurr to people when they think of Casper but he is, after all, a kid.
Unless, like the Tin-man, you have no heart, it's gonna bring a tear to your eye.

An admittedley "gimmicky" angle, (in addition to them going for the Addams theme with Ricci and the gothic house), is the suprisingly effective use of several cameos of various stars which include Clint Eastwood, Rodney Dangerfield, Father Guido Sarducci and my favorite,.....Danny Aykroyd as Ray Stantz from Ghostbusters.

That gives it an A+ in my book,....but then,....When it comes to nostalic cinematic icons,...I can be easily bought.

Last up on the kooky/cute film list is Practical Magic!

Starring Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman, Stockard Channing and Dianne Weist.

Three generations of witches live in a bitchin' ocean-side Victorian house on the Washington coast as they attempt to live down the family curse which dooms the women of their family to never be happy in love.

It's good old fashioned estrogen-y fun and I revel in every frame of this lavishly shot film. Kidman plays the bad sister in a bad relationship and as Bullock's good sister comes to her aid they experience certain complications, (perhaps acidentally killing the boyfriend), and as their maiden aunts, (played by Weist and Channing), leave them to clean up their own mess, Bullock finds that she just may find true love after all with the cop who's investigating the dead boyfriend's murder.

Especially endearing is the "Midnight Margaritas" scene.

There's the list! Now,....don't let the outward appearances of these semmingly "kiddie" films fool you. There is some truly DARK shit going on in a lot of places in all of these films, (except the Addams series).

Casper basically comes around to a dead child falling in love with a live one, in Practical Magic, Kidman and Bullock kill a man and try to cover it up, almost destroying their family in the process and in Hocus Pocus, Sarah Jessica Parker displays some not-so-subtle pedophilic tendancies towards young men as the three sisters pretty much attempt to kill all the children of Salem,....a fact that even the Disney publicity machine can't really spin.

But then again, there's no need for any spin or apology, is there? After all, one cannot have resolution without conflict and further more a soultion is only as satisfying as it's problem!

So,.....there it is! I recommend all of these to you! Go rent one of em,...or all of em', have some friends over, have some midnight margarits yourself as you pass out candy to the little sugar-filled cretins on the 31st!

But most of all,....have a happy, HAPPY, Halloween!

Monday, October 09, 2006

North Korea launches a NUKE! YAAAAAAYY!!!!!


Hold onto your collective asses.

Kim Jong-il is no longer just a funny puppet in the movie Team America: World Police,....he's officially dangerous.

This should be interesting. I wonder how the world community will respond. I guarantee you one thing,....I bet it was a conversation stopper that drew a collective, "They did WHAT!?", from the table.

Keep in mind that this is the same North Korea that launched an ICBM that they apparently found in Alaska.

Quietly proving that although it was a dead shell,....they could reach us. There are also rumors that their "delivery systems" are now capable of reaching the West Coast!

Not that I don't have anything but faith in Kim Jong-il's humanitarian skills but if this blog entry suddenly stops in the middle of me writing it then you'll know what hap-

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Little daily update! Your "Gubbament" at work

I said yesterday, given what we'd learned yesterday, who knows what we'll know today?

Well here's what we know in a nutshell,....

The conservatives have retreated back to their fallback positions and are blaming homosexuality for Foley's indiscretion,....not the fact that he's a pedophilia. Well done, dipshits!

How does that account for the mile-long list of demons in the administration who've been tagged for molesting females?

Nice try,....you know what, Jesus talks to me too and he thinks you're all assholes.

He told me this over hotwings and beer at the Burbank Hooters.

Foley at first claimed that it was alcohol that made him do it,....and now he's been molested by a priest. Yawn,...what's tomorrow's excuse? BTW,...most victims of clergy molested tend to retreat from contact, not stalk young boys for it. This seems to me to be a real insult to people who have legitimately experienced this.

The Republicans are turning on eachother like a pack of hyenas on a monkey carcass, we've discovered that the congress may have known about Foley's dalliances for up to eleven years, and Fox news in Florida keeps "accidentally" branding Foley as a Democrat whenever they run a news story about him.

Deep breath,.......exhale.


I'm in a safe place, I'm in a circle of light, I am an eternal soul and love and safety surrounds me, OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

And for a little bonus,.....Darth Cheney had the secret service arrest a man in a mall for criticizing his Iraq policy.


Hold on to you hats folks,....it's only gonna get kookier!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Republicans never fail to repulse me or: Matt Drudge is a f**king douche-bag.

Well, well well,.....

On the eve of the mid-term elections the Republicans are scrambling around in classic fashion trying to bolster their numbers before the November vote.

Bush continues in his crimes against grammar in each and every speech, though there's supposedly still "an energy crisis", gas prices have miraculously dropped,...and right before the elections! Good thing there's nothing fishy about that, right?

But despite all their intentions and efforts,....karma,...blessed maybe-finally-restoring-some-balance karma, drops a scandal of Herculean proportions into their laps in the form of Mark Foley, Congressman extrordianaire from Florida.

For those of you who may not know,.....Marky-boy has been stalking underage male congressional pages, (anywhere from the ages of 15-17 YIPPEEEE!!!!), for the past five years, and soliciting them for some clean, manly fun via IMs and E-mails which were leaked to the press this past week!

Apparently,...it was such a well known problem that incoming pages were informed by outgoing ones, (as well as others), to avoid Foley because he was, "too friendly".

And here's the big thing, oh irony of ironies,....Foley was, (at one time and may have been still, I'm not sure), the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children!

That's right ladies and germs! Let the vampire run the bloodbank! The sweets addict run a See's Candies and the hopeless alcoholic work as a taste-tester in the Duff beef factory!

Didn't you know it's backwards day!? Left is right! Up is down and wrong is most definitely right! It's like Dr. Seuss on meth.

Speaker of the House "Denny" Hastert is doing an Astaire-worthy tap dance for the press as he attempts to distance himself, "Uhhh,...I just found out about it when it was leaked,...no wait,...I may have known a year ago,....no wait,...maybe it was five years ago,....I'm sorry, what was I saying?" and even suggesting that we should go after the person who leaked the info!

That's right ass-hat. It's their fault.

The ironically Elephantine Republican mascot Rush Limbaugh is busy blustering away claiming "it's a democratic conspiracy" as he sits on his titanium reinforced chair, Inhaling Oxycontin, galumphing into the spit-guard of his mike, (which I'm told smells like a mixture of horse-shit, Necco wafers and Scotch), and covering it with little bits of this morning's rooty-tooty-fresh-n-fruity breakfast.

And once again, it's Bill Clinton's fault! That's right folks! Not the people covering it up, not the people who knew and did nothing, not Hastert or Foley or anybody in their sphere,...it's Bill Clinton!

"Look what HE did!"

Nice try scumbags but having consentual sex with a woman who is of legal age or above is a world of difference from pedophilia! Why in the Hell should anyone have to even point out this distinction is beyond me.

But wait a minute, it's not just Bill Clinton's fault! I forgot who else's fault it was. But thankfully, the little Republican ventriloquist dummy Matt drudge reminded me!

It's the children's fault.

Wait for it,....let it sink in,....give it a second to process.

Thaaaaaaaat's right. The kids are to blame! Didn't you know? They led him on! They set him up! Hell, they're probably on Clinton's Goddam payroll for Christs's sake!

I'm not kidding either. This little man-bitch,....this GOP shill, this little regime puppet, this sick little shit-stain of a human is blaming the young boys for leading the poor congressman on.

Here's a poisoned quote from the little turd-blossom....

"And if anything, these kids are less innocent -- these 16 and 17 year-old beasts...and I've seen what they're doing on YouTube and I've seen what they're doing all over the internet -- oh yeah -- you just have to tune into any part of their pop culture. You're not going to tell me these are innocent babies. Have you read the transcripts that ABC posted going into the weekend of these instant messages, back and forth? The kids are egging the Congressman on! The kids are trying to get this out of him. We haven't got the whole story on this. "

You disease. You pig. Here's more,.....

"You could say "well Drudge, it's abuse of power, a congressman abusing these impressionable, young 17 year-old beasts, talking about their sex lives with a grown man, on the internet." Because you have to remember, those of us who have seen some of the transcripts of these nasty instant messages. This was two ways, ladies and gentlemen. These kids were playing Foley for everything he was worth. Oh yeah. Oh, I haven't...they were talking about how many times they'd masturbated, how many times they'd done it with their girlfriends this weekend...all these things and these "innocent children." And this poor congressman sitting there typing, "oh am I going to get any," you know?"

I've seen the transcripts,...I've seen the IMs and e-mails and there aint' no question folks. And how dare this little piglet who suckles at the diseased teat of this Republican crime regime, drinking the curdled milk as he awaits his master's command dare imply that there is any blame to be lain anywhere other than the head of this predatory pedophilic piece of chicken-fried crap that tries to pass itself off as a United States congressman.

Drudge is right about one thing however when he says this isin't over.

In the time it took me to go to lunch and come back, we've already learned that Foley interrupted a vote on the floor of the House in 2003 to engage in Internet sex with a high school student who had served as a congressional page, an FBI investigation was blocked by the Republican heads who assured them they were "handling the matter privately", and that Fox News previously had copies of Foley e-mails but didn't run them.

The avalanche continues to fall and seeing what we've learned today,....can you imagine what we'll know tomorrow?

When, Lord oh when will you deliver us from these men?

By the way,....the politically active religious right, who so vocally defends damn near everything the God-loving Republicans do has been,....strangely silent.

Nutty, huh?

Oh and also,....Matt Drudge, you and all who share your view are foul, sick little corn-flecked turds who continue to crawl and scratch your way back up the bowl no matter how many times we flush.

Go back to your evil masters and shut the Christ up, already.

Your words are poison to good people who know the truth.

How dare you, sir?

Have you no decency?

Some links you need to see.

This is your government at work, folks!




*EDIT* Oh! Almost forgot! Here's a list of all of the Republican peodophiles! Enjoy!


Sunday, October 01, 2006

A little Sunday silliness.

Now,.... some of you may or may not know what a furry is.

Working in the animation industry, I've encountered these interesting folks on more than one occasion and I've even worked with a few.

Long story short,.....they're people who identify with, assume the personas of and generally gravitate to anything that has to do with animated, (preferably anthropomorphic), animal characters.

They are sort of a sub-group of the comic-book culture and they definitely have their share of extremists. There's a fair share of them that build elaborate "fur-suits" to parade around conventions and participate in all the extra-curricular social activities that accompany it.

I won't go into detail.

Several years ago, my girlfriend and I were laughing about the idea of "going undercover" at one of these things and filming all of the madness that goes on there, (as with any comic book related event), So,...in the spirit of a good old-fashioned goof,.... two of my buddies, who are well versed in this culture helped us build a suit, (which came out waaaaay too nice for what it ended up being used for), we fired up the camera, Cynthia got in the suit, and the video here, (which took me almost five years to get around to editing), is the end result.

It great spoofy fun!

And boy-oh-boy was it an education!
