Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Little daily update! Your "Gubbament" at work

I said yesterday, given what we'd learned yesterday, who knows what we'll know today?

Well here's what we know in a nutshell,....

The conservatives have retreated back to their fallback positions and are blaming homosexuality for Foley's indiscretion,....not the fact that he's a pedophilia. Well done, dipshits!

How does that account for the mile-long list of demons in the administration who've been tagged for molesting females?

Nice try, know what, Jesus talks to me too and he thinks you're all assholes.

He told me this over hotwings and beer at the Burbank Hooters.

Foley at first claimed that it was alcohol that made him do it,....and now he's been molested by a priest. Yawn,...what's tomorrow's excuse? BTW,...most victims of clergy molested tend to retreat from contact, not stalk young boys for it. This seems to me to be a real insult to people who have legitimately experienced this.

The Republicans are turning on eachother like a pack of hyenas on a monkey carcass, we've discovered that the congress may have known about Foley's dalliances for up to eleven years, and Fox news in Florida keeps "accidentally" branding Foley as a Democrat whenever they run a news story about him.

Deep breath,.......exhale.


I'm in a safe place, I'm in a circle of light, I am an eternal soul and love and safety surrounds me, OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

And for a little bonus,.....Darth Cheney had the secret service arrest a man in a mall for criticizing his Iraq policy.,1299,DRMN_15_5039230,00.html

Hold on to you hats folks,'s only gonna get kookier!


Blogger Maikeli said...

If only you could see the mad face I had after reading about Darth Cheney's blatant abuse of power!
Cracks were forming in the ground!

4:49 PM  
Blogger Fighting Irish said...

David Jones to Cheney: "ARE YOU GIVIN' ME LIP!!!?"

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sean,
You know, next time someone writes the Bible they should be more explicit:
"Thou Shall NOT rape little boys and girls"
~Bible~Matthew 3:12
Perhaps It's beating the ol' metaphorical dead horse, but some people are just plain retarded!
p.s. Hooters was a Blast!!

5:10 PM  
Blogger Fighting Irish said...

Jesus likes the wine doesn't he?

I would too if I could make it from water! LOL!

Wine for everybody! Especilly that hottie in the orange shorts and the tank top with no bra! ;)

Silly, silly, silly.

5:19 PM  

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