Dear God in Heaven I despise Rush Limbaugh
Not that I needed an extra reason to hate that fat bag of Hilbilly-Heroin-quaffing Republican propoganda spewing crap known by his faux-human name as Rush Limbaugh but today I think my disgust went right over the line into loathing,....nay, hatred.
One of my favorite actors in the world is Michael J. Fox. I love the guy. I just do.
He's a very classy, appealing and, dare I say it, All American lad, (even though he's from Canada), who first endeared himself to audiences as, (Oh irony of ironies), the stalwart young Republican Alex P. Keaton on Family Ties and solidified himself in the hearts of the eighties generation as Marty McFly in the Back to the Future trilogy.
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past ten years, you know that Fox is suffering from a debilitating bout of Parkinson's disease that has made his acting career, at best, sporadic.
Fox just did a campaign commercial for Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri supporting her stand on stem cell research and it's promise for treating such diseases as, guessed it, Parkinson's disease.
Her Republican opponent is, of course, against it.
So Fox does this heartfelt commercial, putting himself out ther in all his vaulnerability, gyrating and twisting in front of the camera as he attempts to read the copy, (and breaking my heart in the process), and who gets a hold of it, but Rush Limbaugh.
After seeing the commercial, he opined on his radio show today that Fox was,....wait for it,....
Faking it.
Yep. He was "exaggerating" his shaking. Because he's a Democratic shill, (says the GOP puppet).
I heard a clip of it on The Howard Stern Show today and damn near fell off my chair.
Y'know what?
I hope when Rush finally gets to Hell alongside the masters he serves he is treated to the smell of his own fat cooking like bacon as Beelzebub pokes him with his pitchfork to see if the little piggy is tender yet.
I know Freud says sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but we'll make an exception in your case, Rush.
Go fuck yourself.
Wanna see if Michael J. Fox is faking?
Judge for yourself.
I hope they find a cure in Fox's lifetime. I love that guy.
One of my favorite actors in the world is Michael J. Fox. I love the guy. I just do.
He's a very classy, appealing and, dare I say it, All American lad, (even though he's from Canada), who first endeared himself to audiences as, (Oh irony of ironies), the stalwart young Republican Alex P. Keaton on Family Ties and solidified himself in the hearts of the eighties generation as Marty McFly in the Back to the Future trilogy.
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past ten years, you know that Fox is suffering from a debilitating bout of Parkinson's disease that has made his acting career, at best, sporadic.
Fox just did a campaign commercial for Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri supporting her stand on stem cell research and it's promise for treating such diseases as, guessed it, Parkinson's disease.
Her Republican opponent is, of course, against it.
So Fox does this heartfelt commercial, putting himself out ther in all his vaulnerability, gyrating and twisting in front of the camera as he attempts to read the copy, (and breaking my heart in the process), and who gets a hold of it, but Rush Limbaugh.
After seeing the commercial, he opined on his radio show today that Fox was,....wait for it,....
Faking it.
Yep. He was "exaggerating" his shaking. Because he's a Democratic shill, (says the GOP puppet).
I heard a clip of it on The Howard Stern Show today and damn near fell off my chair.
Y'know what?
I hope when Rush finally gets to Hell alongside the masters he serves he is treated to the smell of his own fat cooking like bacon as Beelzebub pokes him with his pitchfork to see if the little piggy is tender yet.
I know Freud says sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but we'll make an exception in your case, Rush.
Go fuck yourself.
Wanna see if Michael J. Fox is faking?
Judge for yourself.
I hope they find a cure in Fox's lifetime. I love that guy.
Rush empty, cold, and misguided bastard robot. I suppose my grandmother was faking it as well when she died of stomach cancer, or my good friend Chris didn't REALLY have a tumor in the back of his head. FUCK that guy.
God forbid he, or any of his family should fall ill with Parkinson's, he would be left knowing that he was part of the effort to try and prevent a cure......that bastard. Get well Fox, we love you.
I hear Oxycontin cures everything that ails Rush! Didn't you know, E-Bog?
You should get them, although I don't know if they're available to Canadians! ;)
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Rather than discuss/debate the issue itself, rather than educate the masses as to what the issues are in the realm of stem-cell research, Rush chose to resort to the type of obfuscation the Republicans are expert at pulling off these days.
The fact that Michael J. Fox was exploitatively victimized as the tool of this disinformation campaign is just the latest example of the heartlessness and inhumanity of the right-wing in storm-troopering towards their goal: -total annihilation of all opposition. They're following the "Idiot(Nazi)'s Guide to World Domination".
God Damn them all to the 9th Circle of Hell!
I'd love to know who commented and deleted!?
You speak the truth, Big Brother.
Sorry I missed your call the other day. I was in meetings till late!
I was the originator of the deleted comment. I posted my comment, then realized that the sytax needed serious revision.
Sorry 'bout that!
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