Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hold onto your hats!

It's gonna be an interesting night.

I hope to God we get a change today.

If not,....either the thievery of this democratic country is truly complete or America is full of an astonishing amount of retards.

.......biting my nails and waiting,.....


Blogger Maikeli said...

It's both, I'm afraid. But we shall see. I voted a week ago (early voting for faculty), but you know me. Of course I voted Federalist!

7:38 PM  
Blogger Fighting Irish said...

sitting by the radio listening to election results come in.

I don't think we're gonna take the Senate but the House is fine.

Baby steps and at this point I'll take what I can get.

Though it is beyond me how that racist-thug piece of "Makakka" shit George Allen can be holding onto his seat.

I mean, his little cronies beat up a protester on FILM for Christ's sake!

What the shit is wrong with Virginia?

The first colony, home of Richard Henry Lee, (of the Lees of old Virginia)? The man who proposed independence in the first continental congress in 1775?

Jeezum Crowe! Jim Webb better not concede too quickly. Those diebold voting machines are a cheater's tool.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I hope this election changes your view on the condition of the country. Democracy still works and the spectre (and drama) of electronic voting fraud and "retarded" Americans can hopefully be laid to rest.

(By the way, voter fraud is nothing new - dead people have been voting for decades - Hey this is Chi-CAH-goe, we know how to run elections if you ketch my drift)

The problem isn't Republican or Democrat, it's the Power. It's the hubris.

The Democrats now have the responsibility to get things on track. They fail, a Republican is the next President, they succeed, a Democrat and they lose the House. The Republicans had 12 years (yikes!) the Dems get 2. I hope the time is spent wisely!

5:25 AM  
Blogger Fighting Irish said...

Boy oh boy you aint' kidding.

And the hubris,.....GOD IN HEAVEN the hubris!

The Democrats better not frag this up.

I'll be angrier at them that I am at the Republicans.

7:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey! I think we did okay after all.....

9:27 AM  

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